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Julian Calendar


To convert the dates from the Julian into the Gregorian calendar you have to subtract 11 days, for example the 1st January 1583 was followed by the 11th January 1583. 

The problem is that there is no fixed date when you convert it from one to the present calendar. The date depends on the area where your ancestors lived. But also in one area it depended on whether your ancestor was Lutheran or Catholic. Therefore it could happen that one and the same persons’ birth date in the civil record could be a different one than in the church record. 

The German areas that came later to France (Alsace and Lorraine) had to change the calendar 3 times (Julian to Gregorian, than back to Julian and again to Gregorian). 

If you do not find the area your ancestors from and are interested in the correct conversion date, please contact us.



Please see the different localities to figure out the date of changing between the Julian into the Gregorian calendar. 

German Empire

Aachen                             1-11 Jan. 1583

Augsburg (bishopric)        13-24 Feb. 1583

Augsburg (city)                 5-16 Oct. 1583

Baden (margrave)              16-27 Nov. 1583

Bayern (duchy)                  5-16 Oct. 1582

Brabant                             21 Dec. 1582 - 1 Jan. 1583

Cleve (duchy)                    17-28 Nov. 1583

Danzig                               1582

Eichstätt                            5-16 Oct. 1583

Elsaß                                 1648, 4-16 Feb. 1682

Freiburg                            11-22 Jan. 1584

Freising (bishopric)            5-16 Oct. 1583

Friesland                            31 Dec. 1700 - 12 Jan. 1701

Hennegau                           21 Dec. 1583 - 1 Jan. 1584

Hildesheim                         15-26 Mar. 1631

Jülich-Berg (duchy)            2-13 Nov. 1583

Köln                                  3-14 Nov. 1583

Lausitz                               12-23 Nov. 1584

Lothringen                          9-20 Dec. 1582, 16-28 Feb. 1760

Lüttich                               10-21 Feb. 1583

Mainz                                 11-22 Nov. 1583

Minden                               1630

Mühlhausen                        20-31 Oct. 1583

Münster                              17-28 Nov. 1583

Neuburg/Pfalz                     13-24 Dec. 1615

Oberelsaß                           13-24 Oct. 1583

Osnabrück                          1624

Paderborn                           16-27 Jun. 1585

Passau                                Feb. 1583

Preußen                              22 Aug. – 2 Sep. 1612

Regensburg                        5-16 Oct. 1583

Schlesien                            17-23 Jan. 1584

Solothurn                            11-22 Jan. 1584

Straßburg (diocese)             16-27 Nov. 1583

Straßburg (city)                   5-16 Feb. 1682

Trier                                   4-15 Oct. 1583

Unterwalden                        Jun. 1584

Westfalen (duchy)                1-12 Jul. 1584

Würzburg                            4-15 Nov. 1583


Austrian-Hungarian Empire

Brixen, Salzburg, Tirol          5-16 Oct. 1583

Kärnten, Steiermark              14-25 Dec. 1583

Bohemia, Maravia                 6-17 Jan. 1584

Hungary                               21 Oct. – 1 Nov. 1587


Other countries

Poland                                 4-15 Oct. 1582

Russia                                  31 Jan. – 14 Feb. 1918 (also 1920)

Switzerland                           (depends on area)

France                                  9-20 Dec. 1582



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