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Non-Metrical Weights and Measures

In the past many different weights and measures have been used. Also after the year 1793, where in some parts of the world the metrical system was introduced, our ancestors in Europe used the old units. 

Historically the meter was defined as 1/10,000,000 of the distance from the equator to the north pole trough the city of Paris.

Now is a meter the distance traveled by light in absolute vacuum in 1/299,792,458 of a second. 

Because the old weights and measures have been used in the German speaking areas, the following list uses them as you could find it in the records, means in the German language. 




Metric unit

Imperial unit (rounded)

Measure of length

1 Äquatorgrad

1 Meridiangrad

1 deutsche Landmeile

1 hessische Meile

1 neue geographische Meile

1 deutsche Seemeile

1 Kabel (= 120 Faden)

1 Faden

1 Klafter (= 1 russ. Saschen)

1 russischer Arschin

1 preußische Elle

1 Casseler Elle

1 preußische Ruthe (= 12 Fuß)

1 hessische Ruthe (= 14 Fuβ)

1 preußische Fuß (= 12 Zoll)

1 althessischer Fuß

1 preußischer Zoll

1 russischer Zoll

1 hessischer Zoll

1 hessischer Werkfuβ (= 12 Zoll)

1 hessische Linie



111.3 km

111.12 km

7.5 km

9.2064 km

7.42 km

1.852 km

220 m

1.829 m

2.1336 m

0.7112 m

0.666 m

0.5698 m

3.766 m

3.9888 m

0.3139 m

0.2849 m

2.615 cm

2,54 cm

2.397 cm

0.2877 m

2.0 mm



69.159 miles

69.047 miles

4.660 miles


4.611 miles

1.151 miles

240 yard

2 yard



2 ft., 2 inch


4 yard, 5 inch


1 ft., 3/8 inch


1  3/8 inch




Square measure

1 geographische Quadratmeile

1 hessische Quadratmeile

1 preußischer Morgen

1 preußische Quadratruthe

1 bayerische Quadratruthe

1 hessische Quadratruthe

1 bayerisches Tagwerk

1 hessischer Acker

1 preußischer Quadratfuß

1 hessischer Quadratfuβ

1 hessischer Quadratzoll

1 hessische Quadratlinie



55.0629 km²

8475.7 ha

0.2533 ha

14.0185 m²



0.3407 ha


0.0985 m²


5.7480 cm²

3.9916 mm²


21.260 sq.miles

0.630 acre

 150.894 sq ft.

91.682 sq ft.


0.842 acre


1.062 sq ft.





Cubic measure

1 preußische Kubikrute

1 Klafter (= 108 Kubikfuß)

1 Kubikfuß



53.423 m³

3.339 m³

0.031 m³


69.87 yd³

4.37 yd³

1.09 ft³

Measure of capacity

1 preußischer Scheffel

1 bayerischer Scheffel

1 russischer Tschetwert

1 Malter

1 Schiffstonne

1 russ. Tschetwerik = 1/8 of Tschetwert

1 russ. Karaffe (=Garnec) = 1/64 of


1 Simri

1 Eimer



0.54 hl

2.22 hl

200.91 l

1.5 hl

2.21 m³




22.1533 l

12.3 l


11.878 gal

48.393 gal


32.995 gal

2.89 yd³




5.029 gal (US Dry)



1 Zentner

1 russisches Pud

1 Pfund (= 30 Lot)

1 altpreußisches Pfund

1 russisches Pfund

1 Lot (= 10 Quentchen)

1 Karat



50 kg

16.38 kg

500 gram

467.7 gram

409.5 gram

16.66 gram

0.2 gram



22.680 pound


1.102 pound

1.031 pound


0.588 ounce

0.6172 grain





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