To find the location of origin of your European
ancestors the US census records could be a useful tool.
In 1790 the US started recording the first Census
records. Millions of the census records are available up to the year 1930.
Many different web-sites offer a look into these
records. Ancestry.com is the Internet web-site with the largest collection.
They charge hundreds of Dollars for a personal permanent access.
Alternatives are available.
First of all many of the older records are microfilmed
and available at the LDS Library in Salt Lake City, Utah. To dig trough
these microfilms is a slow procedure.
The Internet provides a faster way to access the US
census records, often without any charges.
To access these different sites follow the different
Census Finder
About: Genealogy
US GenWeb Census Project
Access Genealogy
Ancestor Hunt
inGeneas Database